microbiome health

Microbiome Balance

Microbiome Balance

When people learn I have goats, they love to remind me that "goats eat EVERYTHING!" Don't believe it. Goats are incredibly picky. If their hay has touched the ground, for instance, it's deemed unfit for eating. Worse, they're not only selectively picky, but incredibly sensitive; just a few bites of the wrong thing can kill them within hours.

SIBO: a primer

SIBO: a primer

SIBO is like your adult sibling staying over in the guest room.  Everything's going great; he/she tells funny jokes, loves your dog, and even washes the dinner dishes on occasion.  Until suddenly one evening you realize that he/she has inexplicably relocated the air mattress to YOUR bedroom and, to make matters worse, invited their friends.  And friends of friends.  Talk about crowded and awkward.